• Keine Gewinnauszahlung: Alle Spiele sind für alle Spieler gleich fair, wie ein Brettspiel. Sie gewinnen oder verlieren Warzone-Spiele basierend auf Ihrer Strategie, nicht auf Ihrem Geldbeutel.
• Einzelspieler und Mehrspieler: Spielen Sie gegen echte Menschen oder spielen Sie eines der Tausenden von Einzelspieler-Levels gegen den Computer. Beide sind 100% kostenlos.
• Aktive Community: Täglich werden über 10.000 Multiplayer-Spiele gespielt. Spiele können bis zu 40 Spieler umfassen und für alle, Teams, Koop und mehr kostenlos sein!
• Plattformübergreifend: Sie können von Ihrem Telefon, Tablet oder Computer aus spielen. Sie können gegen andere Spieler spielen, egal auf welcher Plattform sie sich befinden. Alles kostenlos!
• Asynchronous games: Warzone games can be played at your own pace. Your friends don't need to be all be online at the same time to play with them. Take your turns when it's convenient and Warzone will wait for you.
• Customizable: Warzone has a very flexible engine. When creating games, you have hundreds of settings you can tweak to create anything from a minor variant to a whole new experience.
• Luck-free: By default, Warzone games are determined entirely by your skill.
• Maps: Warzone has thousands of maps to choose from, all made by the community. Or you can design your own! Maps range from small brawls to epic conquests with over 3000 territories!
• Faster games: All players can take their turn at the same time, which allows Warzone games to move along significantly faster than turn-based games.
• Community levels: Play single-player levels from the community, or make your own level and watch replays of other players defeating it.
• Clans: Join a clan and compete in clan wars!
• Cards: Warzone has a variety of cards with varying effects, like the Diplomacy Card, Spy Card, Airlift Card, Blockade Card, and more!
• Tournaments: Join tournaments and compete, or create your own!
• Ladders: Warzone has several ladders, which are competitive arenas where everyone competes for the top spot.
• Quickmatch: QM makes it easy to jump into multi-player by matching you with players of equal skill on templates you like playing.
• Open Games: If Quickmatch isn't to your liking, you can always browse through a list of games made by other players, or make your own!
• Mods: Mods allow extending the game engine. Mods run on all platforms, even on phones/tablets. No installation is required; simply check the box next to the mods you want to use and they're automatically distributed to everyone who joins that game.